A site for the discussion of Fascist political and moral theory and how it can be applied to modern American society ... No Nazis Wanted !!!
or " Get your liberal hands off my Black-shirt ! "
Published on January 1, 2004 By TheAmericanFascist In Welcome
In the future, this site will become an area of discussion for all Fascists worldwide ( with an emphasis on American politics ) and an archive to be accessed by the worldwise Fascist movement - expect articles relating from ancient philosophy ( e.g. Plato, Spartan militarism ) to more modern theorists ( such as G.Gentille, J.Evola, F.Nietzsche, etc. ) and articles from the fascists of today and their ground-breaking thoughts on how to bring Fascism inton the 21st Century. This site will be under construction for awhile, so please, be patient - this isn't exactly easy !

Forward to Fascist Victory, Comrades !

- Chris, Founder of the American Fascist Blog
on Jan 01, 2004
I doubt that you're serious about this site!